Red Hawk with red flowers below


Application Process for Military and 经验丰富的学生

Who is a Military/Veteran Applicant?

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,军人或退伍军人学生是任何美国退伍军人和/或退休的军事人员, 不论年龄大小, who was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. 所有现役(全职)军事人员和国民警卫队或预备役的现任成员也应填写军人/退伍军人学生申请.

Learn more about our Veteran and Military Resource Office.

What programs at Montclair are VA approved?

Not all programs are VA approved. For the most up-to-date list of our VA approved programs, please check WEAMS名单.

Legislation Concerning Military and Veteran Applicants


S-822, 要求公立高等学校免除或退还退役军人申请费和成绩单费, passed the Senate Military and Veteran’s Affairs Committee.

There are two types of Veteran/军事申请者:

Military/Veteran Freshman

  • 没有上过地区认可的学院或大学的合格退伍军人和军事人员(不考虑ACE学分).

Military/Veteran 转移

  • 高中毕业后在地区认可的学院或大学就读的合格退伍军人和军事人员, regardless of academic progress.


陆军后备军官训练队是一个领导力项目,允许学员以普通学生的身份上大学, and train to commission as an Officer in the US Army upon graduation.


Military/Veteran Application Requirements


为了申请十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的军人/退伍军人新生入学, you will need to submit:

一步 1

Submit your application online. Make sure to choose the “Veteran/Military Freshman” Application Type. The application fee is waived for all Veteran/Military applicants.

There are two ways to apply:

十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学 Application  or     常见的应用程序

一步 2
High School Transcript or GED


一步 3
Personal Statement/Essay



Explain your reasons for seeking admission to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学, including what you believe are your academic strengths and interests. Be sure to explain any situations that may have had an impact, either positively or negatively, on your academic record. Students interested in sending a resume of extracurricular activities, 志愿者工作, 实习, 等. can include it in the same document as their essay.

一步 4

现役(全职)军事人员和国民警卫队或预备役的现役成员, 他们不是退伍军人, must provide a copy of your military identification card. 退伍军人和退休的军事人员必须提供你的dd214(成员4副本)的副本,在除不光彩的情况下的解雇字符.

If the DD 214 is not available at the time of application, you may provide a copy of your discharge orders, a copy of your current orders, 或其他官方文件,表明您的ETS(预计终止服务)日期或EAS(终止服务)日期. A front and back copy of your military ID is also acceptable.

DD 214(成员4副本)必须在入学第一学期结束前提交.

一步 5

Official SAT or ACT scores are optional. (Students submitting ACT scores, 只有, 还必须参加可选写作部分,否则分数将被视为不完整,以做出录取决定.) To send your scores directly to 十大博彩推荐排名州立, 在SAT或ACT表格的指定区域注明CEEB代码(002520).

一步 6
Additional Documentation - Optional

额外的证明文件,如简历、ACE成绩单、奖项、证书等. may be submitted for review.

另外, if you are applying to certain College of the Arts majors, 一个试镜, 面试, or portfolio review is required. 需要额外过程的专业包括动画和插图, 跳舞, 电影制作, 音乐, 音乐疗法, 音乐剧, 产品设计, 剧院, and Visual Communication Design.

艺术学院入学指南和试镜/面试/作品集审查日期的链接可以在这里找到:  Admission to the College of the Arts

Please send all 招生 materials to:

Office of Undergraduate 招生
十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学

Military/Veteran Freshman Admission Standards

As a military/veteran student applicant, 您的申请将基于对所需凭据的全面审查进行考虑. 请注意,不符合我们新生入学标准的军人/退伍军人学生可能会被要求提交其他信息,如推荐信. 也, 所有退伍军人和军人都被鼓励提交美国教育委员会(ACE)的成绩单, 如果可用.

As a courtesy to our military/veteran students, 如果您在最初申请的学期因情况而无法入学,您将被允许将申请推迟到下一个学期,而不会受到处罚.

凡因服兵役而请假的学生,将以其上次入学或被学校录取时的学术地位重新入学. If the leave of absence is for more than two semesters, please follow the process for readmission.

Military/veteran students wishing to apply after 规定期限 should contact Ken Miyazawa, Pre-Enrollment Specialist for Students, at to discuss their options.


为了获得十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的军事/退伍军人转学入学资格, you will need to submit:

一步 1

Submit your application online. 请确保选择“转学”学生类型和“退伍军人/军人”申请类型. The application fee is waived for all Veteran/Military applicants.


一步 2

提交所有学院/大学的正式成绩单(由机构直接发送到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学). Note: If you have less than 24 completed college credits, you must submit your high school transcript and GED scores if applicable. SAT or ACT scores are optional.

一步 3
Personal Statement - Optional

你可以提交一份可选的个人陈述,描述你的学术目标,并说明你为什么选择十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 你可以通过你的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学申请账户提交“补充项目”.”

转移 Student Prompt:

Please provide a brief description of your educational goals. 一定要解释任何可能反映在成绩单上的差异.

一步 4

You must submit proof of veteran or military status. 现役(全职)军事人员和国民警卫队或预备役的现役成员, 他们不是退伍军人, must provide a copy of your military identification card. 退伍军人和退休的军事人员必须提供你的DD 214(成员4副本)的副本,其中包含除不光彩以外的出院字符.

If the DD 214 (Membr 4 Copy) is not available at the time of application, you may provide a copy of your discharge orders, a copy of your current orders, 或其他官方文件,表明您的ETS(预计终止服务)日期或EAS(终止服务)日期. A front and back copy of your military ID is also acceptable.

DD 214(成员4副本)必须在入学第一学期结束前提交.

一步 5
Additional Documentation

额外的证明文件,如简历、ACE成绩单、奖项、证书等. (Encouraged, but not required)

如果你申请的是艺术学院的任何一个专业(比如美术), 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, Communication Studies or Broadcasting), you are required to complete an 面试, 试镜或作品集审查,以便考虑进入这些课程. 然而, if you are applying for Fashion Studies or Art History, 没有面试, audition or portfolio review is required.

艺术学院入学指南和试镜/面试/作品集审查日期的链接可以在这里找到:  Admission to the College of the Arts

Please send all admissions materials to:

Office of Undergraduate 招生
十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学

Military/Veteran 转移 Admission Standards

As a military/veteran student applicant, 您的申请将基于对所需凭据的全面审查进行考虑. 请注意,不符合我们转学录取标准的军人/退伍军人学生可能会被要求提交推荐信等信息. 也, 所有退伍军人和军人都被鼓励提交美国教育委员会(ACE)的成绩单, 如果可用.

As a courtesy to our military/veteran students, 你可以将申请推迟到下一个学期而不受处罚, 在你最初申请的那个学期,情况是否会阻止你入学.

凡因服兵役而请假的学生,将以其上次入学或被学校录取时的学术地位重新入学. If the leave of absence is for more than two semesters, please follow the process for readmission.

Military/veteran students wishing to apply after 规定期限 should contact Ken Miyazawa, Pre-Enrollment Specialist for Students, at to discuss their options.